South Carolina Association of School Psychologists

Supporting learning and mental health of youth in South Carolina.

SCASP's Mission:

The South Carolina Association of School Psychologists is a membership organization that empowers school psychologists to support the learning and mental health of youth in South Carolina.

Upcoming events

Looking for a job in South Carolina? Want to post a vacancy? Check out our recently updated Employment Opportunities page for a link to our new job board.

Become a Member of SCASP

As a member, you will:

  • Support better student outcomes by advocating for improved social/emotional, mental health, and academic interventions through collaborative interactions with the state legislature, the South Carolina Department of Education, and other professional organizations.
  • Join fellow school psychologists across South Carolina in a statewide network to exchange ideas, share concerns, and collaborate on solutions - see our Member Resources page for handouts, briefs, and online learning opportunities.
  • Qualify for reduced rates at SCASP sponsored workshops and SCASP's professional development conferences featuring nationally recognized speakers.
  • Receive SCASP's newsletter and stay current on school psychology related news in South Carolina.

Click Here to sign up for a SCASP Membership!

© South Carolina Association of School Psychologists