South Carolina Association of School Psychologists

Supporting learning and mental health of youth in South Carolina.



MISSION: The South Carolina Association of School Psychologists is a membership organization that empowers school psychologists to support the learning and mental health of youth in South Carolina.

VISION: All children will have the supports that they need to be successful in school and in life.


  • Professional Excellence:  School psychologists strive to use and promote best practices in the environments in which they work.
  • Client-Centered:   School psychologists make the needs of individual learners their first priority.
  • Cultural Competence:  School psychologists value individual and cultural perspectives in their interactions with others.
  • Data-Based Decision Making:  School psychologists promote the use of data from multiple sources to inform decision-making at individual and systems levels.
  • Dynamic Leadership:  School psychologists serve as leaders within their communities to enhance decision-making.
  • Effective Communication and Collaborative Problem-Solving:  School psychologists work cooperatively with others and utilize respectful communication to achieve shared goals.

STRATEGIC PRIORITY: Promote and support comprehensive school psychological services

GOAL 1: Communicate with key stakeholders on a defined regular basis (Public Relations Committee)

Objective 1.1: Disseminate information about the comprehensive role of the school psychologist (see objective 2.1)

  • Work with Advocacy Committee to plan dissemination of messages, and continue to refine messages as needed

Objective 1.2: Recruit and retain members

  • Expand the representation of the board and members to reflect all practitioners in the state
  • Community outreach to local school districts, retired school psychologists, contract/ private SP’s, and/or related groups
  • PR Initiatives: Socials, Regional Meet-ups, Contests, SCASP Swag, Social media outreac
  • Maintain membership database
  • Implement a NASP student leader model/ nominate SCASP student leader from each university to work with student representative

Objective 1.3: Implement plan for member communication

  • Create SCASP Google Workspace account 
  • Publish quarterly SCASP Newsletter
  • Update website
  • Increase member resources
  • Coordinate research paper presentations and review and approve research participation requests

Goal 2:  Facilitate advocacy initiatives (Advocacy Committee)

Objective 2.1: Engage in efforts to promote the comprehensive role of school psychologists and address the shortage of school psychologists in South Carolina

  • Utilize an advocacy platform to encourage SCASP members to communicate with legislators regarding current legislation impacting education in SC.
  • Promote partnerships with all SC universities to expand on the NASP Exposure Project (“Adopt a SC College/University Project”) in an effort to recruit a pool of potential school psychologists that is reflective of students in SC.
  • Begin conversations with school psychology graduate programs within the state to expand training capacities (e.g., SC CREATE, university program development
  • Update fact sheet on employment of school psychologists in SC (supply and demand; ratio).

Objective 2.2: Promote best practices for all students within South Carolina

  • Begin conversations with DDSN and DHHS about the inclusion of SCDoE certified school psychologists in the identification of Autism Spectrum Disorder.
  • Continue our partnership with the SCDoE regarding the new special education eligibility criteria (i.e., SEED) and assisting with the development and dissemination of related guidance.
  • Continue our partnerships with stakeholder groups (e.g., Coalition for Safer Schools, other behavioral health groups) to advance best practices pertaining to school-based crisis and safety assessments (suicide, threat).  
  • Provide resources to stakeholders that promote best practices that support ALL students within a MTSS framework

Goal 3:  Optimize Procedural Quality and Excellence (Governance)

Objective 3.1: Review and update policies and procedures

  • Update SCASP Bylaws
  • Finalize SCASP Procedures Handbook
  • Develop Nominations process for awards and officers

Objective 3.2: Develop onboarding process for new board members

  • Create Google Drive folder with relevant documents 
  • Establish calendar for virtual check-ins 
  • Define roles in SCASP Procedures Handbook
  • Update Student Scholarship/ Representative Requirementd

Goal 4:  Promote Quality Professional Development (Professional Development Committee)

Objective 4.1: Identify upcoming professional development needs to offer a variety of topics of interest and need to members

  • Analysis of post-conference surveys for interests of future PD
  • Provide professional development opportunities on new disability criteria
  • NASP Self-Survey for Board and Members to develop list of needs within NASP Domains of Practice
  • Develop 3 year PD Plan of Topics

Objective 4.2:  Build partnerships with other professional organizations/departments (SC Department of Education. SCASA, PSTA, other state organizations) to increase professional development opportunities in the state.

  • Collaboration with State School Psych Education Consultant about new eligibility criteria
  • Develop list of task-forces/PD option available through State Department
  • Collaboration with other state organizations for conferences (spring or summer)

Objective 4.3: Develop database/system of additional professional topics/offerings for school psychologists in the state

  • Develop database of NASP professional development topics (EDI. ethics, etc)
  • Develop list of task-forces/PD option available through State Department
  • Develop list of alternate PD opportunities offered through SCASP (Newsletter CPD, Listening Circles, Lunch and Learn)
© South Carolina Association of School Psychologists